January Reflections

  • Jan 10, 2016

January Reflections

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

George Carlin

So much has happened in the past year that taking a moment to reflect as one year ends and another one begins seems a timely and worthwhile exercise.

We often exclaim and ponder “where has the year gone!” We can experience time as though it is hurtling by at a speed of knots but when we actually stop, pause and reflect we can see that much has been accomplished and all kinds of change has occurred. This is certainly the case for me. It is also the traditional time to take stock, let go of what we no longer need and decide what positive actions we can take to move us towards the life we want to be living.

I performed a fun ritual on New Day’s where I wrote out all the things I needed to release and let go. I then threw them in the river with my girls as witness. This exercise was a little bit like the pop it on a leaf exercise from the mindfulness course. I actually do feel much lighter and freer since my river ritual and I’m ready and eager to embrace the year ahead

The past year for me contained the joy and adventure of travelling. Not only was there the family holiday in Mexico last Christmas I was fortunate to be able to take off again in October and attend the Dr Joe Dispenza advanced workshop in Los Cabos Mexico, the Imago conference in Florida and 5 days just for fun in New York.

The Dr Joe workshop was an unbelievable mind blowing experience. Five hundred and fifty people in a 10 star luxury resort all working on reaching into the quantum field to change their current realties, whether it be healing themselves from debilitating illnesses or breaking free from emotionally ingrained patterns of behaviour or just manifesting abundance in their life. There were inspiring lectures by Dr Joe about the power of our thoughts, the latest research into the placebo effect and some heavy duty meditation sessions. During the workshop machines were measuring the energy in the room, people were hooked up to heart monitors and brains were being scanned. It was very intense with 6 am starts and 7.30 pm finishes most evenings. One morning the meditation even began at 4 am! I was certainly challenged and taken way out of my comfort zone but I absolutely loved the experience and feel that the trip was life changing for me! I have included Dr Joe links at the end of this blog if you would like to earn more about Dr Joes work.

The Imago conference was the perfect follow on from the advanced workshop. I was very excited about being able to attend an international conference and again I met so many amazing people from all over the world. It was such a wonderful experience to be part of a global community and be immersed in a therapy that I love.

New York at the end of the trip was a complete contrast. I have to confess that at first the craziness of the place left me feeling overwhelmed but I soon adjusted and absolutely loved it. The visit to the Freedom tower, the new tower built to replace the twin towers was probably the highlight for me. It was an incredibly moving experience and the energy of the area was unbelievable. It’s not something that I can really find the words to explain.

Travelling was not the only highlight of 2015 for me, making the move to the Gold Coast and all that entailed was certainly the big event of the year for me. That experience came with many highs but also its share of challenges. Restablishing my family in our new home, starting my business from scratch, finally letting go of my Melbourne practice after 5 months of to and froing did at times take its toll. Keeping my spirits up has not always been easy but at the start of this new year I feel stronger for the experience and ready to take on whatever 2016 has in store for me!

There are exciting plans for Innercalm in the year ahead that I look forward to sharing with you as the year progresses

One of these plans is the relaunching of Mindful Munchers. I have a small group planned for March and the online program to be launched in April. Mindful Munchers is the mindfulness based healthy eating program that I have created. Its been like my baby that I have been slowing growing and nurturing into adulthood. I am totally passionate about this program. I know it works but I want to get some figures behind me to prove that it does.

I have decided to offer the course for half price to anyone more than 10 kg above what is considered a healthy weight and who is prepared to work with me for at least 12 months as part of my research project. Please call me if you want more details.

I have also planned a mindfulness and yoga retreat for a long weekend in November 2016. Dates and venue will to be announced in the next few weeks and will be posted on my website.

My first mindfulness for beginners group on the Gold Coast went ahead in November. It felt so good to be doing what I love in my new home. I was blessed that it brought such beautiful new people into my life and the ripple effect could begin as they shared their experience with others. When Jo a recent attendee shared that the course was life changing for her it was such beautiful validation. I am reminded of the Waldo poem-

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Before I finish I would like to share my intentions for the coming year.

which have been inspired by Bob our new kitten and Lexie my daughter Olivia’s Labrador cross beagle dog.

It is my intention to now approach every day like Lexie. She bounds out of Olivia’s room every morning at break neck speed. She searches every room looking for me. When she finds me she is absolutely thrilled and I am the recipient of her doggie affection It’s as though each morning Lexie can’t believe her luck that she is about to have another day on the planet and her exuberant display is such a beautiful demonstration of joy di vive and zest for life.

Bob the 8 week old kitten, on the other hand finds everything fascinating and exciting. He bounds from one new experience to the next. He appears to be living by the Budhist precept of Beginner’s Mind. For Bob everything is seen as though it is the first time because it generally is the first time. He is such fun to watch as he delivers his beautiful lessons in mindfulness.

Check out the photos as he comes out worse for wear after an encounter with a Birkenstock sandal.

Wishing you all a happy and abundant 2016.


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