What's Love Got to Do with My Garden?

  • Jul 16, 2024

What's Love Got to Do with My Garden?

I love to plant things and watch them grow. I only have a very small garden, but I do my best to utilise the space. Apart from the veggie patch, I have pots everywhere. I tend to stick to things that grow easily, like greens. Lettuce, spinach, kale, silverbeet, and bok choy seem to do well.

It's such a buzz to eat the things I have grown myself. And, of course, it's all organic, so it's super good for me.

Why am I in your inbox talking about my garden, you may be wondering? I often use the analogy of likening our relationships to that of a garden. It might seem cheesy, but it has much truth to it.

If I want my garden to grow and not wither and die, there are certain things I need to do. Gardens need to be watered, they need food such as fertiliser and compost, they need sun, and they need the weeds to be pulled out. In the summer, they need protection from those pesky white moths that lay their eggs, which turn into caterpillars. Those pesky caterpillars have been known to feast on my leafy greens and decimate them overnight. I also need to watch out for slugs and snails, and not to mention keep my cats and dogs off the garden. It's a lot I need to do, but if I can do all these things, I know my garden will grow, and I will be able to harvest its offerings. My rewards will be many.

In the same way, if we do not tend to our relationships like a garden, they too will wither and die. Relationships need to be nurtured and nourished as the garden needs to be watered and fertilised.

Relationships need the warmth of attention as plants need the sun, and relationships need the negativity, criticism, and toxic behaviours to be removed as the garden needs to be weeded. Ruptures need to be promptly repaired, just as the garden needs to be protected from slugs, snails, and pets. Relationships need to be protected from unwanted influences; some people are just not good for our relationship, as caterpillars have proved to be very bad for my garden. Affairs most certainly are not going to help your relationship grow.

When you have nourished and nurtured your relationship, when you feel that connection between you is strong, alive, and vibrant, then and only then are you able to reap its many rewards.

But how do you make this happen?

Lucky for you, there is still a spot available for this weekend's "Getting The Love You Want" workshop for Couples. Come along and learn how to be a great gardener/partner and discover how to get the relationship of your dreams.

Be quick - don't miss this last chance to join July's workshop.

Call Jiselle now.

Early bird fee still available for all keen gardeners/lovers. Payment in instalments is also available.


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