Relationship Counselling

Relationship Counselling

Could your relationship benefit from professional relationship counselling here on the Gold Coast? If you want a private, confidential counselling session with an experienced professional, call today for a no-obligation discussion about how counselling may be beneficial for you, your partner or family.

Why do we end up in conflict with the one we love?

How can something that started out so good end up so bad?

How did we end up in a power struggle?

Couple Looking Over Water

Life is about relationships.

Our relationships are important.

We are in relationship with ourselves, our environment, our community, our family and friends and of course our 'intimate other'.

Healthy relationships are fundamental to our well-being. We are able to feel the full aliveness of being when we are experiencing connection with each other, ourselves and our wider world.

We all want to feel this connection. We are driven to seek connection as much as we are driven to eat, drink and have sex. A drive towards seeking connection is hard wired into us and helps explain why we feel so sad, anxious and out of sorts when our relationships are not working. We want to feel connected; we want to feel safe, we want to belong; it is a human drive to want this and a human right to have this.

Seeking relationship counselling makes sense when seen through this lens. It's something most of us would benefit from as it is just as much about healing your relationship with yourself as it is about assisting a relationship with a partner. Many people seek relationship counselling when a relationship has ended so that they can understand what has happened. This understanding is what enables healing, growth and eventually moving on to occur. Some people seek relationship counselling to help heal ruptures in their family, with their children or their workplace.

Professional Relationship Counselling with Jiselle Saraghi

Jiselle is an experienced relationship counsellor who has extensively trained in this area. She has over 20 years experience working in the field of counselling, mindfulness and personal growth and has focused the last 10 years on specialising in relationship therapy and related modalities. She is an Advanced Clinician in Imago Relationship Therapy and is a Certified Imago Couple's Workshop Presenter. Jiselle is well qualified to take you on your relationship counselling journey.

Jiselle can assist you whether you are a couple wishing to work on your relationship or you are an individual wanting to work on yourself.

Love Relationship

Relationship Counselling: What You Should Know

Relationship counselling is a specialised area and to be a good relationship counsellor requires training and years of experience in the field.

Reasons People Seek Relationship Counselling

  1. Communication– Wanting to feel heard. Often they feel their partner is not listening to them and they can’t say what they really want to express.
  2. Conflict Resolution– Wanting to learn skills to resolve issues and differences of opinion before it spirals into silence, shouting and behaviours that can make the situation worse.
  3. Intimacy or lack of– Sex may be infrequent or not at all. Affection and tenderness may have disappeared. Passion and desire are missing. You are feeling more like just 'friends' rather than lovers.
    Thoughts such as "I love him/her but I am not in love with him/her anymore" maybe present
  4. Affair recovery– Dealing with the aftermath of betrayal whether the affair is emotional, physical or both.
  5. Depression, anxiety, addictions, grief, trauma and childhood wounds.
  6. Personal growth
  7. Navigating second or third marriages and blended families.
  8. Life Transitions- such as
    • Getting married
    • Moving in together
    • Starting a family
    • Retiring
  9. Broken Heart Support
  10. Single again
  11. Stay or Go?

Imago Relationship Therapy- A New Way To Love

Don't Give up without finding out if Imago Relationship Therapy can work for you.

Imago provides a theoretical perspective on the common issues couples experience plus a set of practical tools and skills that teaches couples how to deeply listen and hear each other.

The Imago Process is not about blame, shame, or criticism. The role of the Imago therapist is to facilitate a process that encourages connection and trust, which is the foundation of a passionate loving relationship.

Imago Relationship Therapy:

  • Provides a vehicle for positive change in your relationship
  • Will help you gain insight into what has happened to your relationship and the part each of you played
  • Helps you understand why you were attracted to each other
  • Will teach you skills and techniques to repair your relationship and deepen your connection to each other
  • Understands that relationship challenges are a pathway to healing and growth
  • Helps both partners heal from their childhood wounds
  • Encourages compassion and empathy for yourself and your partner
  • Creates a safe environment where it becomes possible to have 'safe' conversations
  • Rekindles romance and brings passion back into your lives
  • Assists you to consciously create the dream relationship you’ve always wanted
  • Has the potential to improve your relationships with family members and friends

Who will Benefit with Imago Relationship Counselling?

  • Couples who want to reconnect and deepen their love
  • Couples who are in conflict and want to move out of the power struggle
  • Couples who want to learn more effective ways to communicate.
  • Couples who are thinking about separation and divorce, and want to explore what is the best path for them.
  • Anyone who wants to improve the quality of his or her relationship
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